My illustrations


A play on the word. Jelly + fish =squishy cuteness

Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?

Once a gamer always a gamer. Irrespective of what you do and how old you are!

Blow a kiss! Fire a gun! We all need someone to LEAN ON!

No one can resist dancing to this song! 

It's shocking when you realize that sometimes you do not know some basic stuffs in life.

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent - Episode I. This bot just captured our heats with just Beep Boops! 

When I'm hungry, everything around me looks like food.

Meanwhile in Chennai Engineering colleges! A poster done against the inhumane rules imposed on students in engineering colleges.

Chennai is Brave! An illustration to support the people in the time of the flood that havoced the entire city.

Cupids and arrows

Chocolate and lettering

Music gives you a versatile experience in different moments of life. In hours of happiness it celebrates with you, in moments of pain it comforts you, in the juncture of confusion it offers clarity. On the whole it protects your soul!

Who loves the summers?
Except, of course, the ones who melt because of the heat!

Swirly, the drippity cone, is all sad, because her parlour designed crown is melting and dripping. Trying to keep the icecream away from her eyes she sings “I’ve got that summertime, summertime sadness.” 

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